Today's guest is Mr. Sayama, who came to the hospital knowing on the Internet. are you a little nervous? Are you being wary? Because the expression is strong, it seems to get angry when the gotto hand touches Sayama's erotic spot, and the practitioner also gets nervous. On the other hand, it is easy to feel when you start the treatment or just touch a little and naturally disgusting voice leaks. When I ask various things, my husband and I are good friends, but I have feelings that I want to eat, but my husband has no motivation at all and there is a feeling of dissatisfaction after sexlessness. In fact, Sayama wants to open the whole mode even if he's being wary of it.He touched the meat stick for the first time in a long time and immediately flickered the meat rod. As soon as you put it in, I will eliminate everyday complaints by sticking to the mahjong. Finally, it's a mid-care operation. look at everything.